Wednesday 27 November 2013

3 Things NOT to have for a Happy Journey

In order to have a pleasant ride and journey on the road, we have to control our internal environment as external environments are beyond our control- aggressive drivers, bad weather and road conditions, traffic jams, just to list a few.

Here are 5 things we can control within ourselves to have a happy and joyful journey despite whatever is happening around you:-

1. Greed
When we are on the road and need to be in a hurry, we want more time and space. When this wants become excessive, we may become greedy and wanting more time and space than needed.

2. Anger
Driving angrily is not only dangerous to yourself, it is also a hazard to fellow road users, including pedestrians. We should practice paramita of patience and give way to emergency vehicles and pedestrians, even when we have the right of way.

3. Ignorance
We should follow traffic rules and regulation at all times on the road. This is a form of paramita of precept observation, meaning to be law abiding- no speeding, no illegal parking etc.

Driving without the above 3 poisons will bring much joy in your journey.
Try it and share your experience in below comments.

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