Monday 9 December 2013

Show Your Intention,... and mean it.

I had told my daughter with numerous reminders occasionally to "do what she says, and says what she do."

To do what she says is to mean what she say so that after verbalizing what she thought, she should follow through and do it. To say what she do means to say genuinely what she had done with no lying in order to follow the five precepts. There are times when she wanted to change her mind like yesterday when she told me she wanted to go library and upon reaching the car park, she told me that she was tired and wanted to go back home to rest.

When on the road, I have noticed and encountered drivers who do not show their intention to change lane or turning into a junction. Worst still, there are those who indicated to turn left with the orange blinking indicator but turned right instead. In this case, although they gave ample time to other drivers by signaling early, they did not tell what it should be. This, to me, is not following the precept of not lying as you are telling fellow drivers I am going to turn left but turn right when reaching the junction.

There are times when I do encountered such change in my mind as I approached the junction but I follow through with what I had indicated and make a U-turn ahead or find alternative route to my destination.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the Courtesy Counts decal, and your thoughts on it. Really nice to see .....
