Tuesday 29 October 2013

4 Reasons Why They are my Children

I just to know a friend from Thailand that she had just given birth last week and it brought back some memories when my daughter and son were born.

My daughter and son were born five years apart.

When my daughter was born, I thought how lucky you are being born it this world and starting life fresh. When my son was born, I thought of it differently because I got to learn more about the truth in life from Buddhism. I got to understand that he is born in my family because of our past fate and our karmic forces had brought him to the world in my family to:-

1. To repay his gratitude to me (报恩).
This is a friendly good fortune from our previous life which results in him coming this life time to repay his gratitude.

2. To repay his grievances from me (报怨).
This is unfriendly bad karmic forces as we were past bitter enemies which resulted in him coming to revenge and retaliate that can cause discord among family members.

3. To get and collect back debts that I own him ( 讨债).
Due to the debts that I had not repay him in previous life, he is here as my debt collector.

4. To pay back what he owned me ( 还债).
On the contrary to (3), there is outstanding debts that he owes and thus, is here in this life time to repay me.

We sentient beings are going in cycles of endless past life and these karmic forces put us together as family members, friends, colleagues, enemies and competitors. As we get to know about this Truth about life, death and the universe, we can have to wisdom to see any events, happenings and incidents as it should be- and this includes a new born baby in the family.

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