Thursday 31 October 2013

A Day in the Hospital

My 1 year old son, Zander, failed his hearing test at birth. Subsequently hearing tests were found to be marginal and after he turned 1 year old, my wife and I brought him to A/Prof Henry Tan in KK Women and Children hospital for check out. My son was found to have glue ear or otitis media with effusion (OME) in medical term.

He went for his day surgery today and was found that his middle ear was filled with fluid, glue and wax. He did not do well in the hearing test and will have to do another test next week. Although it was just a day surgery without the need to stay in the hospital, it seemed like having to take a long time.

It is by no chance why he had this condition. In fact, about five years ago, his sister, Ezanne, experienced frequent tearing in her right eye and also went to a children eye specialist in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. The drainage duct (for tear) linking her eye and the nose was blocked and that resulted in the tear having no "outlet" into her nostril and had to flow out of her eye between the bridge of her nose. As she grew older, with massaging of her eye and taking traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), she is okay now. I do hope the same will go for Zander.

In the meantime, I am wondering why my daughter and son have these eyes and ears condition, respectively. I am sure it is due to their karma for what they had done in their previous lives that resulted in such condition and they are merely paying back what they deserved.

We sentient beings cannot escape the sufferings (dukkha) that come about from birth, ageing, illness and death. As such, we must have the wisdom to overcome these simply by gaining enlightenment and becoming a Buddha, leave the cycle of being rebirth within the six realms and have the compassion to help other sentient beings to become a Buddha as well.

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