Thursday 31 October 2013

No Meat Day during Office Lunch

As I get to know more about Buddhism, I would attempt not to have any meat in my meals whenever possible. Although it is not mentioned in the Five Precepts and they are not seen, heard or suspected to have been killed on purpose for me. In today's digitally and logistically connected age, we should not have the excuses to have meat while wanting to practice compassion.

We must understand that the animal we eat could have been our family members in previous lives. It is out of compassion that we should have the wisdom to know what and who we are eating as these animals could be our parents, siblings, relatives and friends in previous lives.

I introduced a vegan fast food restaurants during lunch in the office yesterday and my General Manager wanted to try it. She even wanted to buy us all lunch (how compassionate she is) and we told orders without delay for Vegan Burg.

As a result, I went over to the nearby outlet (less than 20 minutes drive) at the Grandstand which was previously known as Turf City. As such, today's lunch in the office was a no meat day which I thought to myself is a great thing. We even talked about having a "no meat day" every week and I think how wonderful this would be to designate a day every week to go vegetarian in the office.

For my dinners, I have them at home every week day and have whatever my mom cooks. I had convinced her to have vegetarian meals every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

Let's all be kind to animals and not eat them.

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