Thursday 31 October 2013

Patience and Tolerance on the Road, please. Thank you.

Driving on the road is one of the great way to practice our patience and tolerance. From the moment we start the engine until we reach our destination, parked the vehicle and off the engine is like living our life for one lifetime. It could be as short as only a few minutes drive to as long as several hours of drive, just like our lifespan could vary.

In our journey, being a short or long one, we will encounter various types of fellow drivers in transportation of various sizes, from a 40' container truck to a bicycle and even pedestrians. There are courteous fellow road users who give way and there are those who are likely candidate of road bullies.

We should have the wisdom that if we practice patience and give way to others, they will repay this goodwill to us and hopefully, think of this good act and pass it one by giving way to others himself/herself.

If we practice tolerance to fellow new and elderly motorist, we have to bear in mind that we were once a new motorist and we may grow old in time to come and be a elderly motorist ourselves.

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