Monday 28 October 2013

Honey, there is a lizard in our house

Over the couple of years as a seeker for answers in life, I had taken Five Precepts. The Five Precepts taken by lay Buddhists are the prohibiting of
  1. Killing
  2. Stealing
  3. Lying
  4. Sexual misconduct
  5. Ingesting intoxicants
This morning, I made a decision based on the first precept of not killing when my wife found a large lizard in our study. She was in shocked when saw it and I got a plastic bag so that I could try to grab it using the bag to let it go outdoor. Before that, I would roll up a stack of newspaper and hit the lizard before dumping it into the toilet bowl.

I would like to explore the idea of working out some DIY traps that everyone can make at home using common items that can be found at every household. This DIY trap can be use to catch live animals like cockroaches and lizards that are found at home without hurting them and to be released outdoor at their natural habitat. This way, precepts are kept and good merits are accumulated.

Back to the lizard, it was not caught and hid inside the air-con electrical/water pipe. I hope it can find its way out of my house as there is lack of food for it and do not have flies around my house.

Namo Amitabha.

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