Sunday 27 October 2013

Driving with 3 Poisons

 “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”- Buddha

There are three poisons which all of us sentient beings are being inflicted with everyday. They are greed, anger and foolishness. When it comes to driving, these poisons fill our blood that resulted in behaviors that the driver would never be seen like road rage. Let me share the example of these poisons at work and offer suggestions that could help you.

Are you wondering how can we be greedy when driving on the road? It's not like I want to have more road or more drive (as I am greedy) than you. Well, it is because of greed that resulted in undesirable body actions, verbal actions and mental thoughts. It is because of our greedy "wants" of more time and space that we speed, want a parking lot that is nearer to the lift lobby and not giving way to emergency vehicles.

Do you have the experience when you are in a hurry and running late and there is a traffic jam? It seems like the traffic jams that you are caught in are in the direction you are heading while the opposite direction always seem to be clear (now that you are aware, how about appreciating you are in the clear traffic when you see traffic jam in the opposite direction).

This poison is at work without even you knowing it!

This poison needs no introduction when we drive on the road. The slow driver who hogs the overtaking lane, the driver who cuts into your lane recklessly without checking blind spot or the car that parked into the parking lot which you indicated your intention to park.

When events like that happens, it makes your blood boils doesn't it?

As a result of the other two poisons, foolishness kicks in and results in foolish action, speech and mental consciousness.

Let's all be gracious motorists on the road without three poisons.

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