Friday 15 November 2013


I had installed a car video camera in my car with the objective to safeguard and use the video taken as evidence in the event accident occur. Luckily, I had not need to use it and probably because of this, I sort of installed and forgotten about it.

Earlier this week, I borrowed my car to my colleague to go for lunch and out of curiosity, I wanted to know if she had been a safe driver when driving my car. I then tried to retrieve the saved video and found that the SD (memory) card was full and had not been recording more than a week ago. To my dismay, it appeared that the function to delete the oldest file and supersede it with new video was not working. With that, I formatted the entire memory card and started fresh and will make it a point to check if the recording are taking place so that I would not be caught in a situation when I thought it is recording when in actual fact, the recorder was not.

I would like to think that this video camera recorder in the car as our awareness and looking at the saved video is like searching within ourselves for answers and a review exercise. While I was going through the older videos, I realized that I was not even aware of much of the details when I was driving. Although our eyes are opened, we are in actual fact, not awake. Worst still, there are those who drives when dozing off which is extremely dangerous. To do a simple calculation, do you know that if you are travelling at 120KM per hour, in just 3 seconds, you would have travelled a hundred metres!

Let's all practice daily awareness and be enlighten!

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