Thursday 14 November 2013

Be Kind to Animals

Before going to bed last night, I saw a lizard in my kitchen. It was a baby lizard and it went hiding behind the stool that my daughter stands on when brushing her teeth.

With a thought that I am not going to hurt it and telling it that I will help it to go out of my house where there are more food for its survival, I lifted the stool and placed it against the wall with a window for it to go out. The baby lizard seem to understand what I was trying to do and cooperated with me as at the instance the stool was placed against the wall, it went on the wall and out of the window.

Years ago, I had been merciless when it comes to seeing lizard in my house and had harmed many of them. I truly regretted this and had decided not to hurt any of these small creatures as I have come to realize that these actions would sow seeds of bad karma with consequences beyond this lifetime.

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