Monday 11 November 2013

OM MANI PADME HUM- The Origin of the Six-Syllable Mantra

OM MANI PADME HUM. Then the Bhagavan was abiding in the palace monastery of Zetaitshel grove, in Shravasti, in the pleasure grove of Anathapindika. He was together with twelve and a half hundred sanghas and many Bodhisattvas. Then to the Bhagavan the Bodhisattva Nivaranavishkambin spoke these words, "Bhagavan the great vidya mantra benefits all the six kinds of beings, removes samsara from the root, completely liberating hell beings, pretas and animals from the lower realms, making human beings experience the taste of #Dharma. Since I seek an explanation of omniscient wisdom, how will I attain it? Bhagavan, to the one who tells me the Six-Syllable, filling the world (Jambudvipa) with the seven precious things, I will offer them. Bhagavan, since I wish to write down the Six-Syllable even if thee is no paper, birch bark, writing with pen and ink, using my blood for ink, flaying my skin, I will use it as paper, taking my bones I will use it as pen. Bhagavan, for me there is no sadness and fatigue. As for that, it will be the root lama of our father and mother sentient beings."

Then, the Bhagavan exhorted these words to the Bodhisattva Nivaranavishkambin, "Son of Noble family, for the sake of the vidya mantra of Six-Syllable, in former times, though I paid homage to centillon limitless Tathagatas, I did not hear from these Tathagatas. At that time the Tathagatas, Arhat completely enlightened Red Buddha Amitabha, in front of Buddha, because of crying, tears arose in his eyes. From the face of the Tathagatas, he exhorted, "Son of Noble family, why are you crying? With tears arising what is the fault?" He asked. "When centillon limitless of Tathagatas paid homage, the Six-Syllable that removes all the sufferings of beings was not given to them.

I ask the Sugata, Knower of the world, Tamer of beings, Steersman, Teacher of gods and humans, the Buddha Bhagavan to explain it," so he requested. Then by the Buddha Amitabha to the great Bodhisattva Lord Avalokiteshvara, he said these words, "Son of Noble family, as for this vidya mantra of Six-Syllable, these are rare words, vajra words, words of unsurpassable wisdom, words of inexhaustible wisdom, words of the completely pure wisdom of Tathagata. Son of Noble family this great vidya mantra of Six-Syllable, because it was blessed by me, therefore centillon limitless sentient beings will be completely liberated from samsara, quickly in unsurpassable true complete enlightenment. They will be completely enlightened. Say this vidya mantra of Six-Syllable." Then to the Bodhisattva, the Noble One, Lord Avalokiteshvara, he taught this vidya mantra of Six-Syllable.


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